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Cannan Elementary
Family Engagement School Policy 

1. Statement of Purpose: Developing and maintaining relationships with families are key components in our goal of providing a quality education for each student on our campus. We show our commitment to the Willis lSD vision that every student will learn at high levels. We support the emotional, social, and academic growth of Cannan students. 

2. Parent Involvement in Developing the Policy: Cannan Elementary is a Title I campus. The Family Engagement Campus Committee will develop and revise, and distribute our campus family engagement policy annually. This committee is made up of parents, teachers, counselors, and administrators. 

3. Annual Meeting for Title I Parents: An annual meeting for parents will be held to provide information about Title I. Families may volunteer to serve on family engagement campus programs, such as PTO, Watch DOGS and Cannan MOMS, and other groups of volunteers. Families will be informed of the meetings through various forms of communication.

4. School Compact: In accordance with Title I regulations, our Family Engagement Campus Committee developed a school compact. The compact explains that students, families, and staff will share responsibility for promoting student achievement. All Cannan Elementary families will be given a copy of the compact and signatures are encouraged. Families and teachers are encouraged to discuss the contents of the compact with the students. The school compact will be grades K through 5. The compact must be integrated with academic goals.

5. Matching parent Involvement Programs to the Needs of Our Community: Cannan Elementary will provide various opportunities of family engagement as we strive to develop and maintain the best learning environment for all students. Families will be encouraged to volunteer at school and provide a supportive home atmosphere. We will offer family engagement activities to meet the educational needs and goals of our community, providing support and resources to empower parents. 

6. Staff/Parent Communications: Cannan Elementary encourages two-way communication with our families about school events, academic performance, and behavior concerns, on a regular basis through email, personal conferences, phone calls, parent link notifications, newsletters, marquee, school website, and Monday folders. 

7. Evaluation: The evaluation process includes a Needs Assessment Survey of family participation and school improvement. The Family Engagement Campus Committee will revise the Family Engagement Policy considering the results of this annual review.

8. Funding: Title I funds will be allocated for the implementation of the family engagement program.